YARDS PROJECTS aims to shine a spotlight on Cleveland area artists.
Yards Project is nestled in the Worthington Yards Apartments, a cluster of four historic warehouse buildings that feature art around every corner -- commissioned works, explosive digital wall installations and a permanent collection that represents well over 30 local artists. The Dalad Group, owner and developer of Worthington Yards, believes that challenging and compelling art fosters community-building.
The mission of YARDS Project Space is to provide an inclusive space for new audiences by representing the work of early career artists, artists of color and established artists from the region. YARDS Projects promotes a fresh, open, accessible experience for both arts enthusiasts and newcomers by creating direct, connective experiences with artists.
upcoming events
YARDS Projects provides intelligent and innovative exhibitions with on and offsite programming to encourage and facilitate exchange among residents, artists and the greater NEO community. Shows are developed in a variety of ways, ranging from theme-based explorations to two person and group shows.
As part of our ongoing effort to provide context and insight into YARDS exhibitions, YARDS Project Space supplements each quarterly show with artist lectures and studio visits.
*ART-Ventures- Saturday morning artist presentations that take people directly to studios and art venues to discover a more in-depth insider look into the artist process and ideas.
Art-Ventures will meet at YARDS Project’s to meet the artist(s) then we will head over to various locations in Cleveland for studio visit or gallery tour. These events are generally scheduled 10-noon. Coffee and bagels served.
*Tours-The Curator of the Dalad Collection and Director of Yards Project’s is delighted to schedule a tour for the collection at Worthington Yards or Tinnerman Lofts for up to 25 people by appointment. A scheduled appointment is needed one month prior to the tour. Please Contact Liz Maugans, 216 570-0324 yardsprojects@gmail.com
Submission Opportunities
YARDS Projects welcomes artists to submit their work for future shows. All of our exhibitions are group shows and artists/curatorial ideas are always welcome. The curator engages a diverse group of residents who live at Worthington YARDS to help in this process..
The submissions are on a running basis with no deadline.
Please submit a maximum of 6 images, bio and artist statement to yardsprojects@gmail.com and put Artist Submission in the subject line

Michael Loderstedt

Loren Naji

Eleanor Anderson
Erin Guido and John Paul Costello

Jason Milburn

Say hello
We facilitate:
the sale of work by our region's most acclaimed and up-and-coming artists
consultation with corporate, commercial and residential clients to help them find the right work and commissioned art for their projects and spaces.
tailored tours and studio visits of Dalad's permanent collection and the rotating exhibitions in YARDS Project Space and Tinnerman Lofts.
programs and events that connect arts enthusiasts and collectors directly to area artists
Please contact YARDS Projects for appointment at:
Liz Maugans, Director, Yards Projects
Curator, Dalad Collection
216 570-0324
Cheryl Lynn Craver, Gallery Assistant
Worthington Yards is not visible from the street; it is nestled between W. 6th and W. 9th st., and between St. Clair and Johnson Ct. There are entrances off of St. Clair and Johnson Ct. Hours for Gallery is M-F noon-3pm Please ring the office for entry. Making a scheduled appointment is highly recommended. 216 570-0324
The St. Clair entrance is marked with a green gate, the Johnson Ct. entrance is marked with a “Worthington Yards” sign & lights.
Thank you!